Events Calendar
Planning Board Pulbic Hearings
Monday, July 12, 2021, 06:45am
Hits : 369
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PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town of Florida Planning Board will hold a public hearing on Monday, May 3, 2021 at 6:45pm, at the Town Hall, 167 Fort Hunter Road, Amsterdam, NY 12010 to consider an application from Borrego Solar Inc. for a Special Permit to erect a 60m (198ft) temporary wind measurement tower on Bean Hill Road near YMCA Road SBL#102.-1-19. The tower will be built on a 135 acre parcel. The purpose of the project is to evaluate wind resources at this location.
The Planning Board will hear at the time and place noted above all persons in support of or in objection to this matter.
Materials are available for review at the Town Clerkâs Office during regular business hours.