Events Calendar

Planning Board Meeting w/Public Hearings
Monday, November 07, 2022, 08:00am - 05:00pm
Hits : 886
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The Town of Florida Planning Board will be holding a Public Hearing at 6:30pm at 167 Fort Hunter Road for an application filed on behalf of Dollar General for a cold storage/fresh foods distribution center on Route 5S in the Town of Florida.

The Town of Florida Planning Board will be holding a Public Hearing at 6:50pm at 167 Fort Hunter Road for an application filed by Robert Dennison regarding a minor subdivision of lands located on Youngs Corners Road in the Town of Florida.  Mr. Dennison has surveyed two parcels off of a larger parcel and is keeping said two parcels and selling the remaining lands to Stony Brook Farms.

All information related to these applications can be viewed either on the website; under Planning Board Submissions; or by going to the Town Clerk's office during normal business hours.